For my first blog entry I want to communicate my vision, and this blog's mission statement.
This blog is about: marketing, technology, and breaking the paradigm of “flying with the flock.” In surfing parlance: it's about finding your own undiscovered wave and surfing it, sometimes even alone. This blog is also about how to find that next break, ride it's swell, and continue to enjoy the vast ocean playground.
Are you still reading this? I hope so because this is the most important part! This blog is about harnessing your intuition to do great things. Alan Alda says it best "You must leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition" Don't think, just Do.
This blog is about: marketing, technology, and breaking the paradigm of “flying with the flock.” In surfing parlance: it's about finding your own undiscovered wave and surfing it, sometimes even alone. This blog is also about how to find that next break, ride it's swell, and continue to enjoy the vast ocean playground.
Are you still reading this? I hope so because this is the most important part! This blog is about harnessing your intuition to do great things. Alan Alda says it best "You must leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition" Don't think, just Do.
I hope my blog will help you conquer your own wilderness and unequivocally help you in your personal growth, career, and life in general.