Monday, August 4, 2014

Leaving your digital footprints

Is it bad to have looked at someone’s LinkedIn profile, take no actions, and then come up on their recently viewed list?

This blog is about: Leaving Digital Foot Prints on LinkedIn.

For starters, you can change your privacy settings on LinkedIn so you remain completely anonymous when viewing another member’s profile.  

The question I get most frequently though is: “Is it bad to have been seen viewing a prospect’s or friends LinkedIn?”

Is this creepy, or prying, or is it, as Amar Sheth would say – part of social selling?  Well, I have a very clear answer to this. I think it’s great to be a known viewer, and yes, it is part of social selling today.

Steve Richards from Vorsight hit the nail on the head with what he shared with me.  “If one of your prospects asks you why you were on their LinkedIn profile, you simply say I wanted to learn more about you and your business.” “This way I know how to better tailor my services to help you.”

In conclusion, digital footprints are a good thing.  Don't be worried about being a known viewer. Furthermore, may I suggest that you leave more footprints around as part of your daily routine.

Disclaimer: Now my rule of thumb here doesn't necessarily apply to your personal life and checking someone you meet out on LinkedIn.  Do you really want them to know you looked at their LinkedIn profile after you just met them in the lobby bar?  Probably not, discretion advised.